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This is my new post on my new blog. Yeah, just like you know (if you know me actually), I use so many platform to write on internet. I have no specific reason to do that. I just like it. So, I have several blogs of mine. One of them is out of date, I guess. I mean I don't like to write on that blog anymore. I don't think that blog represent who I am anymore, it feels like I have so many things to do on that blog. I'm a typically not-like-to-delete-any-memories-of-mine person. And there are so many posts which contain so many memories on my lastest blog. So, I get a little trouble to renew that blog. And at the end I decided to make a new one and private the lastest one. I think it's like I open a new chapter in my life. This will be like my new beginning, I hope. Hehehe

Oh, I still have no idea what I'm gonna do in this blog. But, I think it's okay. I just want something new and make a new adventure here. I will not give you a promise (just like I did on my lastest blog), so I will let it flow. Maybe I'll use this blog to write about my daily activity or my student life in college, or my just writing something inside my head. I don't know. Just let it flow, okay? No matter what it will be, I hope you will still enjoy it. :)

Ah, just for an information. It's not my habitual to write and speak in English (I mean, I want to but I'm still trying and sometimes it feels so hard, so it makes me uncomfortable), so I will tell you about my stories (or anything I want to share) in Bahasa. But maybe sometimes I will write it in English. Hehehe

Alright, that's enough from me. Have a nice day, peops!


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